4/2023, p. 63-68
Clinical aspects of narcology

Evaluation of the duration and quality of therapeutic remissions in patients with addiction of psychostimulant and comorbid psychiatric pathology

Poplevchenkov К.N., Agibalova T.V., Buzik O.Zh., Mishchenko D.A., Tukhvatullina E.I.

Background. Despite the annual increase in the number of patients with addiction of psychostimulants and the presence of comorbid psychiatric pathology, the question of finding effective therapies for these disorders remains open. When developing therapeutic remissions, specialists often do not take into account the peculiarities of its duration and quality in these patients. Aim: to assess the duration and quality of therapeutic remissions in patients with addiction of psychostimulants, combined use of other psychoactive substances and comorbid psychiatric pathology. Methods. 325 patients with addiction of psychostimulants, who underwent a course of medical and social rehabilitation in the department of the MNPC of narcology of the Moscow Medical Center, were examined. Methods: clinical-psychopathological, psychometric («Index of addiction severity: Treatnet version»), anamnestic, catamnestic, statistical. Results. It was found that the longest remissions in patients with addiction only of psychostimulants. Patients with combined addiction of psychostimulants and the presence of comorbid psychiatric pathology are characterized by short remissions. Patients with addiction only of psychostimulants have the best dynamics of remission quality. Conclusion. The revealed clinical features of patients, together with quantitative and qualitative features of remissions, will help to increase the effectiveness of care for these patients.

Ключевые слова:
quality of remission, addiction of psychostimulants, comorbid psychiatricpathology, rehabilitation.